Mortlach Scotch Whisky Tasting Event Catering

Gleaming bottles line the walls. Racks and racks of various types of spirits and wines line each shelf. We had the pleasure of creating a menu that paired well with Mortlach whiskies. Single malt of various ages. We created a menu that feature savoury, umami elements to ensure that the customer had the best possible […]
Entrepreneurs Organisation Accelerator Learning and Handover Event Catering

Cyndi Lauper had it right! As they capped off a day of a learning and a night of celebration with wine and karaoke, these boys and girls just wanted to have fun! A bunch of emerging entrepreneurs dined on this menu created to complement the experience. From Nigel’s great-grandad’s recipe (over 100 years old out […]
Naza Italia – Ferrari Raya Open House

Setting up in a roomful of multi-million Ringgit cars that are worth enough to buy a high-end condo or some landed property lifts the spirits in a way that can only be completed with a full tummy. Roasted Vegetable Pasta for the health conscious, colourful pineapple pickles, curries, and a selection of bite-sized desserts like […]