Setting up in a roomful of multi-million Ringgit cars that are worth enough to buy a high-end condo or some landed property lifts the spirits in a way that can only be completed with a full tummy. Roasted Vegetable Pasta for the health conscious, colourful pineapple pickles, curries, and a selection of bite-sized desserts like Mochis with a cake filling (The Red Velvet Mochi) and Key Lime Tarts completed an eclectic menu that helps to ease a customer’s buying decision or an upgrade for these Italian prancing pony aficionados.
Event Date: Saturday and Sunday 22 and 23rd June 2019
Company: Naza Italia
Venue: Naza Italia in Petaling Jaya
Theme: Malaysian Brunch for Malaysian Ferrari Owners. Casual
Number of pax: 60 each day
